Auto Repair Shop Services Overview
CALLAWAY'S AUTOMOTIVE 5832 Davis Blvd NRH, TX (817) 485-8189
Gordon is one of our ASE mechanics.
Callaway's Automotive phone number is (817) 485-8189
We know that our community, especially those new to the area or needing to find a mechanic for the first time, are asking "Where are good auto repair shops near me" or “Where is an auto shop near me”?
We think our excellent auto repair shop reviews reflect what our existing customers in Northeast Tarrant County know they can expect from Callaway's Automotive: their auto repair experience will be convenient and efficient as well as fair, friendly, and fast.
Professional, courteous service, fair pricing and quick turnaround. It is reassuring to have an automotive repair shop you can absolutely trust to take excellent care of your vehicles. (Raymond & Susan S. - Sept 2019).
Free Auto Repair Estimates
Before we begin any work on your vehicle at our auto shop, our trusted mechanics will analyze and investigate, and if a diagnostic is required obtain your approval for this procedure and associated fee, and provide you a free estimate of the investment necessary for the vehicle repair or maintenance at our auto repair shop.
We Help You Prioritize Your Options and Alternatives
Our 30+ years of auto repair experience will help you analyze the various options so that you can make an informed decision about what repair and maintenance is addressed now and what, if any, is deferred until a later date.
You are in control of the entire auto repair process!
This is very important and we communicate extensively with you before any vehicle repair or maintenance work is performed for you.
We Apply Experience and Knowledge to Solve Your Auto Repairs & Maintenance Problem
Our customers also expect a wide selection of auto repair products and services from us. We repair most Domestic and Import makes and models. We use AC Delco, Motorcraft and Mopar as well as top of the line Aftermarket parts. We are an AC Delco PSC (authorized Professional Service Center).
Our Guarantee Gives Confidence in our Auto Repairs
In addition to our philosophy that we stand behind everything we do, we do extend a Nation-wide 24 month, 24,000 miles warranty on our repairs.
Summary (and link to) our Auto Repair Shop Services
Products and service offered at our auto repair shop include, but are not limited to:
* Car Air Conditioning (Car A/C) Service & Repair
* Check Engine & Service Engine Soon light Diagnostics
* Electrical System Diagnosis & Repair
* All Types of Engine Repair & Installation
* Transmission Fluid, Transmission Flush, and Transmission Filters Maintenance
* Front End Alignments & Repair
* Tune-Ups
* Factory Maintenance & Scheduled Repairs
* Water Pump Repair & Replacement
We perform our auto repair services in our modern and well equipped 10-Bay Shop which is conveniently located in the DFW Mid-Cities in Northeast Tarrant County (NRH) at 5832 Davis Blvd. North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 about a mile north of Loop 820. Our phone number is (817) 485-8189 . . . Call us, we can help!